So you should now have something similar below, where your Edirol/Roland device is duplicated for both the Roland.NTamd64.6.2 and Roland.NTamd64.7 portions:
To get it to install for Windows 10 you will need to copy the line of code that was used for and paste it into the section, overwriting where it says ' not supported'.
The above lines of code show the drivers would be installed by Windows 8.x, but not for versions after it, even if they are compatible. Search within the *.inf files (ctrl+f) for the text string: ' ' (not including the speech marks) and take a look at the lines below it. Open these *.inf file(s) using Notepad. In my case there were two, one in each of the 32- and 64-bit folders: um3ex_w81d_v101/Files/64bit/Files/RDIF1058.INF and um3ex_w81d_v101/Files/32bit/Files/RDIF1058.INF Search the folder and sub-folders for an *.inf file. Extract the contents its own new folder (um3ex_w81d_v101, in this case).
Download the Windows 8.1 drivers for your Edirol/Roland device (UM-3EX in my case) from the Edirol/Roland website.
Remove the Edirol/Roland USB device from your PC, if connected. It's worth a try before you junk or ebay the unit which I was about to do. However there is a workaround that people have used with V-Drums and it worked for my UM-3EX too, although it takes a little editing and bypassing certification. This has also been reported on the Sonar forum.Īttempting to install with compatibility settings, admin privileges, etc. All fail with Code 28 status in the Device Manager (driver failed to install). I have three devices, a Studio-Capture, an Octa-Capture and a Roland/Edirol PCR-500 MIDI keyboard. Roland devices, that are Win 8.1 compatible will not install in Windows 10. Making sure Roland is in the loop and understands there is a problem with PCR Drivers & Windows X Step one.
Roland Support Australia Comment in a reply email The workaround for this situation is to switch the Advanced Driver off in the PCR-800. Other Edirol/Roland products potentially affected: It attempts to install them, gets halfway through, then suddenly states the drivers aren't compatible and automatically launches the uninstall process. Sadly Edirol/Roland do not officially support Win 10 with some of their older USB devices (likely due to costly driver certification?), so was unable to install my previously trusty Edirol UM-3EX 3-in/out MIDI interface.